Tangerine launches a new Duty of Care messaging – communication when you need it!

Messaging is now Live!!
What you should know:
Your travelers may receive travel alerts based on where they are or where they are traveling to. These alerts are very important in keeping your travelers informed about potential safety issues. For major events considered an emergency or a shutdown, Tangerine Travel will also attempt to reach out to the traveler. These alerts are not related to airline cancellations or schedule changes.
All accounts and travelers will automatically be opted in.
These notices are not considered spam and Tangerine is not able to unsubscribe at the user level.
If a company decides to stop notifications, written notice is required.
What should you do?
Travel Managers should contact their Tangerine Travel Account Manager to subscribe to all travelers alerts so you are also informed of significant events or otherwise.
Review the alerts and how they work with your Tangerine Account Manager.
Determine if your company should set any policies regarding alerts and work with your Account Manager to update your company's policy for our agents to reference.
Depending on their travel time and location, travelers might or might not get alerts. They will only be notified about alerts that affect their particular travel plans.
Details & Levels
Here are the various levels of notifications. Each alert will be categorized based on Health, Safety and Security, Transportation, or Weather and Nature.

Travelers should be aware of upcoming events such as strikes or elections that could be contentious, holidays or events that could draw large crowds, or severe weather predictions. These may be informational items about events in the future or current alerts pertaining to minor danger that can be avoided by taking simple precautions.

Conditions are not favorable for some kinds of travel, weather or security disturbance, or a localized travel disturbance has occurred. Travelers should monitor media reports for further information and be prepared to react to potentially dangerous situations.

Means danger or travel disruptions are likely, or an event impacting travelers across a widespread area has occurred. Alerts with this urgency will likely require action by the traveler and they should assess the situation, stay alert and be aware of their surroundings because of events that may present danger.

Catastrophic events that pose significant, widespread danger or disruption. Travelers should act at once. All emergency alerts will have the Significant Travel Impact (STI) designator.
Default settings: Travelers will receive notification for Emergency or Warning levels automatically.

Sample email subject line:

To read the full Intelliguide document below:
10808 NE 145th Street, Bothell, WA - 98011
425.822.2333 or 800.678.8202